Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I just finished reading this novel called, "The Shack" by: William P. Young. It was recommended to our church by our Lead Pastor, Steve Poe.

Now at first, I have to be honest, I was not expecting this read to be what it was. Since Steve is a Leader, with a capital "LEADER" I would have expected him to recommend something from John Maxwell's leadership series, but a novel? I didn't see that coming! Nevertheless, he stood before our church this weekend and told us that it has changed his life, which for me is the kind of stuff that makes you want to crack someone's head open on the sidewalk and see what comes pouring out.

So, like I said, I finished it up tonight. I will not tell you much, but here's what I will tell you:

1. I was reeled in between chapters one and two.
2. About 1/4 of the way in, the book took a turn, and I lost interest ...but I pressed on.
3. It quickly picked back up and I was mesmerized!!!

Tonight, after I finished it, I went for a walk. I was thinking about the book and some of the stuff in it, and remembered for the first time in a long time, that JESUS walks with me, and SHE talks with me, and HE tells me I am his own. I realized again, that we are deeply connected to God; that we are loved; Always.

I'm telling ya. Get this book. Really good stuff!

Oh, and it's short (250 pages) which I'm all about.


Bill Wolfe said...

I'm half way through it right now...loving it. Just about to hop on a plane and hoping to finish it!

The Liller Family said...

I went to get it at Capstone on Monday and the shelves were EMPTY! Guess I'll have to borrow yours!

Thanks for the song - it's a PERFECT key - I was gonna email you and say thanks, but my lovely new comcast email is down . . . AGAIN! Don't ya just love technology!!!

The Laird Family said...

Matt, I just finished the book too and it's just awesome. I was really moved by it. What a great read!

Jen said...

"SHE" talks with me?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just bought this at Barnes & Noble and your face with the thumbs up is on the cover - How did you pull that off?

pwdrd donuts said...

Jen, you'll have to read and find out! No scary worries, like I said, Steve recommended it.

Shep - what up doodie? Get a site babe. I can't beleive you got one with me on the cover. There we only like 10,000 of those in circulation.

the laundress said...

funny you should showcase this...i read the first two chapters at borders a few nights ago, upon your recommendation...then couldnt buy it cuz i didnt have my dang purse with me...ahhahah...

that reminds me of an erykah badu"I'm gonna reach down in ma purse..." (sorry, little side trip)

anyway...thanks for the book totally has me already

pwdrd donuts said...

Well, as I said, there's a moment where you may be like, "Huh? What?" but you'll get through it. Heather started it today and called me at lunch saying, "This book is GAY! I hate christian fiction." I think she going to press on. But as you can see, the response has been favorable.

Krista said...

i just finished this book a month ago....loved it!!

Nook said...

I read the book as well, and must say that I didn't really care for it. It wasn't the story so much as the writing style. I'm very picky about authors. There were some good take-aways, but I felt a little like maybe he wrote it shortly after watching aa Matrix marathon. If that's a spoiler, just delete my comment!;)

pwdrd donuts said...

I'll give you the writing style. I get that. Heather would probably agree with you. I think people are getting into it for different reasons. Me, definitely for the theological implications that come through. Containing that in a novel Was a great idea.

I shall not delete you.

Nook said...

Yes, it certainly was innovative. I just wish it had been written by a more experienced author. I think I would still recommend it.