Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympic Weird-nesses...

If it's true that they used the girl on the left to lip sync during the opening ceremonies, that is just a little sad. Word is, the girl on the right is the actual voice but wasn't "cute" enough to be displayed during the opening events. But no worries...I'm sure that won't stick with her FOREVER!!!

Why did they just put a little make on it and make it sing. Sheesh! China... C'mon!

Okay....don't judge me. But last night when this hit the screen, I said out loud, "I don't get how a boy gets to compete with the girls." And yes, I really meant it. It is 2008 after all, and I thought it was one of those thingys where there's a girl on the boys wrestling team or something. Nope, just little old (she's 33) Oksana. She took home the silver for Germany and has a pretty amazing story you can read here.

She fell and beat out Alicia Sacramone? C'mon now China. What's up?!?! Also, did anyone see her let out that big giant "YALP!" before she ran down for vault number two. Weird. Heather and I were rolling. What was that?

The medalists all together. I think Okasana looks a little like Harry Potter here...minus his glasses.


Kim said...

Michelle and I were rolling about the "yelp" too! Must be her battle cry.

And then to fall ON YOUR HANDS and still get a medal---UGH! We were yelling right along with Bela.

Many things unfair this olympics, but man does it make for great television.

Desire of Great Love said...

I didn't stay up late enough to see they "yelp", but all I know is that when THIS chick smiled it creeped me out.
She would be great in those Japanese horror flicks in my opinion.

I know- nothing at all related to the olympics...again.

Jen said...

Did you see the interview with that famous Russian coach. He's been a corespondant throughout the whole Olympics for gymnastics.

Anyway, he kept yelling about how Alicia was robbed and that a lot of the scoring in these Olympics weren't fair. It was awesome and very awkward. But oh, so true.

The Liller Family said...

I feel like we're back to your AI commentary - cracks me up and you know I LOVE IT!!! Keep em' comin!

I said the same thing as you, Jen, Kim and Bela - Alicia DID get robbed. Seriously, how can you trip up like that and still beat her? Totally unfair!

pwdrd donuts said...

Amanda, Heather and I were just commenting last night about that girl and her scary smile. Agreed!

You must go back and find the YALP!!! It is very worth it. It is the vault that she ends up falling on. I bet you can youtube it.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that girl one of the troll looking characters from Lord of the Rings?

Anonymous said...

I really miss you!

pwdrd donuts said...

Korbs....I laugh, because I was much nicer on this in my blog than I could've been. Thanks for being ugly about it. Ugly...that's funny.

Beth said...

Matt forget about all these ugly Olympians......go to my blog spot for the cutest Olympian ever!

CFaith said...

Oh my, when Oksana came on I shouted "That's a man!" and woke Bryan right up thinking there was a man in the house. It's not even just the hair, it's everything about "shim" that screams man!

pwdrd donuts said...

Shim? Oh my word. I'm laughing.

Katie Bautz said...

dude. those girls are NOT cute. it's at times like these I'm even more proud to be an American. ugh!

and Alicia Sacramone should've gotten a medal. poor girl!

Anonymous said...

WTF! How about a new update!