Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Broken Hallelujah

These words are perfect:

When all that I can sing is a broken hallelujah
When my only offering is shattered praise
Still a song of adoration will rise up from these ruins
And I will worship You and give You thanks
Even when my only praise is a broken hallelujah


The Liller Family said...

Such a fitting (and popular) song!!! I first saw this a few weeks ago on Sarah Church's blog and was like "wow" on the words - just beautiful! I'm thinking this has got to find it's way into a service someday...

smchurchie said...

YEA! :) LOVE the song :)

hdbl said...

i have and will love you through every broken halleluia.

timNardoni said...

Good to see you again last night. And I was dead serious about your sitting in Charlie Peacock's chair. He was an instructor during the AU Music Business Camp, which is where I first saw the Dave Elwert All-Stars.

pen in hand, heart on sleeve said...

Mmmmmm... that's where I'm living... Thanks